With the support of our community, we create lasting change in the lives of homeless men in Fort Collins.

Here’s How.


People who are hungry receive healthy meals in an encouraging environment, building trusting relationships with staff who can speak into their day-to-day struggles.


Men experiencing homelessness are offered safe and warm shelter, away from the dangers of the street. This provides a basic level of stability, enabling them to focus on long-term solutions.

New Life Program

A unique program at the Mission’s Harvest Farm, where participants spend up to a year in an immersive, rehabilitation program focusing on education, work-readiness, and relationship building.

Home 88

“When I got [to Harvest Farm], I was ready to allow God and other people to expose in me [things] I needed to get rid of… I truly wanted to change the aspects of myself that I’ve never been able to change on my own.”

Read Chris’s Story
Home 89

“I asked the Lord to put me in a place where I could do the most good for Him. I’m relieving suffering. Having experienced it myself, I know the despair and horror of it.”

Read Desiree’s Story
Home 90

“Anybody could end up in this situation. When people see you come in with a backpack and dirty clothes or unwashed hair, they just look at you.”

Read Michael’s Story

Take Action

Lend your hands and heart to help homeless neighbors.

Your monthly gift will make a lasting difference in the lives of people in need.

Our Impact

Meeting people at their physical and spiritual points of need

Home 4


Meals Provided

Home 5


Nights of Shelter

Home 12


New Life Program Graduates

Home 11


Of graduates maintained housing

Check out our latest Year In Review to learn more
about the impact you had last year.

Hope Starts With You
Give now to help men and women overcome homelessness and find a path to better lives.

The Latest

Growing Trust 1

Growing Trust

Stories of Changed Lives
July 1, 2024
In the New Life Program at Harvest Farm, men often find healing through caring for animals. It was through a special bond with a calf named Bolt that Ron learned to trust again, set and achieve goals and find purpose in helping othe…
Letter From Our CEO: March 2024

Letter From Our CEO: July 2024

July 1, 2024
As you read this, I am closing in on six months with Fort Collins Rescue Mission. It has been a blessing! I have been asked a lot what has impressed me the most—my answer is seeing how God is working in and through this minist…
The Mission in My Words: Bekah Hawthorne

The Mission in My Words: Bekah Hawthorne

July 1, 2024
Bekah is the Missions and Outreach Director for Mill City Church, which provides monthly support for Fort Collins Rescue Mission through our Pathways of Hope progr…

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