Fort Collins Rescue Mission operates locally under the financial and administrative oversight of Denver Rescue Mission, a long-standing and trusted 501(c)3—the oldest full service, Christian charity in the Rocky Mountain region. Although our legacy giving material listed here references Denver Rescue Mission, your gifts can be designated toward Fort Collins Rescue Mission.
Many people are thrilled to discover that including a gift to the Mission in their Will, or other planned giving options, can significantly impact the lives of people in need for eternity.
The Goodheart Society recognizes those individuals who have made estate plans or established life-income gifts to benefit Denver Rescue Mission. The Goodheart Society name honors the late Jim Goodheart, a former Mission guest who went on to serve as the Mission’s Director from 1909 to 1930.
Goodheart Society members receive invitations to exclusive events and volunteer opportunities, as well as special updates from Mission leadership.
Jim Goodheart became the Mission Director in 1909.
Each legacy gift represents an ongoing commitment to partner with the Mission to change lives in the name of Christ, therefore there is no minimum donation size for membership in the Goodheart Society. Individuals are not required to disclose the size of their legacy commitment, however the Mission welcomes members to do so in order to facilitate good stewardship and planning for the future.
Goodheart Society member names are not printed in any listing available to the public. Members can request higher levels of anonymity if desired.
Already have a gift to the Mission set up in your will?
Let us know about it here.
My name is Cindy Hendricks, and I am excited to help you find the right type of gift to match your legacy needs. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303.313.2441 or
An Ethical Will is a personal document you write in order to help you pass on your beliefs, values and more to your loved ones.
Help your loved ones to find the information they’ll need when the time comes by gathering these important documents.
This free workbook will guide you through collecting important information for getting started updating or creating your Will.
Through our partnership with GiftWise, you have access to an online platform where you can easily make a legally binding Will in less than 20 minutes and even leave a gift of any size to Denver Rescue Mission—at no cost.
Thank you for your ongoing support and compassion for others in need.
Through our partnership with GiftWise, you have access to an online platform where you can easily make a legally binding Will in less than 20 minutes and even leave a gift of any size to Denver Rescue Mission—at no cost.
Thank you for your ongoing support and compassion for others in need.
You can donate time, energy, food, clothing, blood, and of course, money. But even cash gifts don’t have to come from just what’s in your pocket.
Want to learn more about creative giving? Request our new brochure, “Think Outside the Box: Where Big Changes Begin.”
Now that you have a basic idea of what you need to do to create your Will, here are some additional resources to help answer any questions you may have:
We partner with Orchard Alliance to assist you with a wide variety of more complex planned giving options. Click the link below if you are interested in learning more about asset-based giving that may help reduce your or your family’s tax burden, as well as other charitable giving tools – including a Charitable Gift Annuity, which provides you with a dependable stream of income during your lifetime.
Donor Advised Funds are one of the simplest ways to give real estate, stocks, mutual funds or commodities toward our mission, with immediate tax deduction benefits.
If you are 70 ½ years old or older, you may be able to make a life-changing gift from your IRA account to Denver Rescue Mission and potentially save on your taxes!
Making a gift of securities is simple and offers a number of valuable financial benefits, including no recognition of capital gains and full tax deductibility.
Denver Rescue Mission is now accepting donations of cryptocurrency thanks to our secure, online donation platform provided by our friends at Engiven.