In a recent meeting, one person claimed that those experiencing homelessness in our community are “lost souls” and never change. I sympathized with him, yet I also disagree with his outlook because the time I have spent with the guests at Fort Collins Rescue Mission and the participants at Harvest Farm has shown me that these men can change. Stories like Gary’s in this newsletter show me two things: 1) the road to recovery and healing is difficult and takes time, and 2) when given refuge and care, people CAN change!
I am much more comfortable saying that we all fit the description of “lost souls,” and it is only because of the grace of God that we aren’t left as lost souls. Thankfully, our work bridges both the reality that our guests and participants require for safety and security, and the eternal reality as we invite them to explore who Jesus is and what difference He makes in our lives.
I’ve always loved a poem by Gerard Manley Hopkins, which ends, “For Christ plays in ten thousand places, lovely in limbs and lovely in eyes not His, to the Father through the features of men’s faces.” We remain faithful in our work because we can find Christ in the most unexpected places including those we serve.
God has chosen to include us in His plans by calling you all as donors to support our work, by calling our staff to be the hands and feet of Christ and by the love of Christ being quickened in the hearts of those who arrive at our front doors. With your faithfulness and generous giving, we will continue to be a place where lost souls find Christ in ten thousand places.
God Bless,

Seth Forwood
Senior Director
Fort Collins Rescue Mission