Rob Jones is the founder and leader of the Mighty Men of Valor Bible Study at Timberline Church. He moved to Fort Collins from Nebraska at a young age and has a son, daughter-in-law and three grandchildren. He has been in recovery from opioid and cocaine use since 2004 and is able to encourage others through his testimony.
What inspired you to start a Bible study with participants in the New Life Program?
First and foremost, I would like to give all glory to Jesus Christ for providing this ministry for me to serve in. I was inspired to start the Mighty Men of Valor Bible Study after I met a few participants of the New Life Program. What came upon my heart was to start a group that included men from the Farm and men who attend Timberline Church and have been in community and following Jesus faithfully for a long time. We had our first Bible study in the fall of 2013. Over the years, we have seen 60 to 70 men attend our Sunday group, with a consistent number of 8 to 12 men on any given Sunday. We also recently started meeting at the Farm on Wednesday evenings to help bring Jesus and a sense of community to new program participants. I believe it’s important for these men to be valued from the start of their journeys of recovery.
How have you seen the New Life Program participants grow in their faith through this group?
A few men who have graduated from the program still attend our group and have become pillars for the other men by displaying stability and leadership and embracing Jesus in their journeys of recovery in remarkable ways.
How have the other men in the group been encouraged and challenged in their faith through hearing the stories of the program participants?
In walking with the men who are in the program, we have witnessed God’s restoration firsthand. We have seen true miracle-working change and that their journeys of recovery take obedience, dedication and focus. The process requires transparency and accountability, and we have been challenged to see what that looks like in our own lives. It has been humbling to see that addiction, homelessness and mental illness does not discriminate. Anyone and everyone is vulnerable, and we want to continue to demonstrate God’s love, grace and mercy because of this reality.
Why do you think the New Life Program at Harvest Farm is important to the Northern Colorado community?
I have seen Harvest Farm resurrect long-buried talents and abilities in men recovering from addiction. The New Life Program has given so many men a sense of value, and it provides a safe place for men to grow and turn their lives around.
This post is a part of April’s Changing Lives Newsletter. This month talks about Tim and his path from alcoholism to experiencing grace and restoration.