David is a retired sales executive who has dedicated his life to serving the Lord. He has three children and volunteers as a mentor at Harvest Farm.
What has your experience been like as a volunteer at the Farm?
I have been volunteering as a mentor at Harvest Farm for about a year. I have a heart to serve the Lord, and the mentoring program provides a meaningful way to serve the Kingdom. It has deepened my faith as I have called on the Lord to guide me with the men. My favorite part is getting to know the men and their specific needs. Through developing a relationship with each man and understanding his needs in faith, community and his new life journey, we tailor a plan together. I would recommend the volunteer mentor program to any man of God who is called to serve—you will receive blessings and He will reward you for your service.
How have you seen your mentees’ lives change at the Farm?
Harvest Farm offers men a new life much in the same way our Savior gives us new life. Men are given a new start, a new journey, redemption from their past, and a path for a new life. My most recent mentee has been radically transformed by Jesus and has accepted his newfound faith and the abundant forgiveness, redemption and blessings that come from Him.
You are planning to bring your mentees over to interact with the horses at the Senior Draft Horse Sanctuary in the future. How have you seen the horse sanctuary benefit those who come visit?
I have seen the difference that these gentle giants make in people’s lives in meaningful ways. Recently I have seen a woman freed from depression, a heart full of hurt turned to joy and a non-verbal child begin to speak. The Farm will be offering the sanctuary to the men in the near future, and I am excited to see how the Lord will work in equine therapy with the men at the Farm.