The Faces Behind Homelessness

In Northern Colorado, people experiencing homelessness have basic human needs that will forever remain the same—food, shelter and safety. But as other factors like inflation, the housing market and drug abuse become more complex, the faces of homelessness are beginning to change, and so are the needs.


are experiencing homelessness


are chronically homeless


average days homeless at a time


experiencing homelessness for the first time

More than 30% of the total homeless population are unsheltered, living on the streets, under bridges, in cars or abandoned buildings or camping in open areas.

*Learn More about homelessness in Northern Colorado and Fort Collins from the Northern Colorado Continuum of Care at

The Long Road Home

Whether it’s growing up in a broken family, suffering crippling depression and anxiety or struggling with a years-long drug addiction—many of those experiencing homelessness in Fort Collins don’t know a life beyond hardship. For these lost souls, the road home is long and hard. A meal and a bed are just the start. But it’s a start you can provide with your support today.

The lasting solution means
reaching the root cause

Changing lives for the long term means more than providing band-aid solutions. At Fort Collins Rescue Mission, we are committed to helping people identify and address reaching the root causes of homelessness in their lives—and addressing it by all while walking alongside them with the transformative love of Jesus Christ.