Dear Friends,
At a young age, two of my grandkids learned a Bible verse from their parents that I love to hear them say, and it will be forever etched in my mind in their voices:
“For God did not give us a Spirit of fear but power, love and self-control.”
2 Timothy 1:7
The peer leaders featured in this month’s newsletter share with our New Life Program participants what the spirit of God has done in their lives, washing away the fear they may have had prior to coming to the Mission.
Being fearful when you come to the New Life Program is not uncommon. Our peer leaders come alongside our participants, sharing their own past fears and stories, letting them know how the love of Christ has changed them and can change others as well, and how a relationship with God helps with self-control so key to those fighting addiction.
Peer leaders let participants know they are here for them. They are servant leaders who have walked through difficulties that our participants are experiencing, and they have made it to the other side. They want to give back. They let these men know that they are not alone in their daily struggles and that there is hope.
Jesus said this same reassuring thing to His disciples (and to all of us as believers) when He said, in Matthew 28:20 “. . . and surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
How reassuring that we can walk without fear because of His power, His love, and the self-control He has given us. Thank you for making this work possible through your generous donations, prayers, and volunteering.
God Bless,
Brad Meuli

Brad Meuli has been President/CEO at the Mission since 2001. Brad joined the Mission after a 17-year career in banking. Previous to his staff position he served as the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Read his full bio.